Noise at Work
General construction site noise usually comes from machinery eg used for demolition, excavation or piling work and from compressors and concrete mixers etc. Workers who are most at risk are those who use tools such as concrete breakers, pokers and compactors, sanders, grinders and disc cutters, hammer drills, chipping hammers, chainsaws, cartridge-operated tools, scabblers or needle guns.
Heavy plant operators and those who control machines on site, and anyone in close proximity to them, are also at risk
You must manage the exposure of your workforce to risk from noise on construction projects. This involves:
- Assessing the noise risk to workers from plant, machinery and tools;
- Eliminating and reducing noise at source by modifying working methods, choice of equipment, and by technical means; and
- Hearing protection to deal with any risk from noise after you have taken steps to eliminate and reduce risk by other means.
Noise don’t lose your hearing (indg363)
Noise at work – a brief guide to controlling the risks (indg362)